Friday, April 01, 2011

No Foolin'!

Soooo tired!

March was kind of an insane month around here, in a very rollercoaster kind of way. The horses have kept me very busy! I've been frustrated about not getting any quality time at the easel, but realistically, there wasn't much I could do. I've decided to do my best to paint every day in April. In the past two years I've done a Thirty Horses, Thirty Days for this month, but I'm not going to attempt that this time around, because I know I will still be at the mercy of the horses. All I'm saying is I will do *something* every day, even if it's a single brushstroke at five minutes to midnight! Hopefully I'll be back on track soon and get some of these longsuffering WIPs finished up. I'm feeling a little rusty!

Today I started a little painting of our latest arrival. This is 4 x 6 oil on Raymar cotton canvas panel. So far just the quick sketch in burnt umber. I know the key to these little paintings is not thinking too much or letting them sit, so I think I'll jump back into it tomorrow and see if I can finish it. Hopefully that will warm me up for some of the larger pieces that have been patiently waiting! Thanks for your patience, too!

1 comment:

Elizabeth McCrindle said...

Looks like a great plan plus a good start. Happy painting :)