Today's subject is a friend's pretty little Morgan-cross mare. I had a bit of fun with the colour - such a flashy girl deserved a bit of brightness! It's fun to see where this limited palette can go. This one is 6 x 8 oil on Raymar triple-primed cotton canvas panel.
The "novel" (I use that term very loosely!) is progressing, of a fashion, though I'm feeling more like I'm just accumulating words than telling a story. While I've learned to paint in fits and starts if need be, I can't do that when I write, and it's certainly showing! Ah well...tomorrow's schedule is a bit simpler, so perhaps I'll be able to devote a bit more concentration to it!
Oh, just one more thing - the grey filly I painted Friday, Pleasant Mix? She was running *yesterday* and she won. Ha! Take that, superstitions!
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