Saturday, April 12, 2008

Now Just a Memory....

We are officially on to rain and mud now. It rained again today - just a light rain, but persistent enough to keep me from getting straw. It better clear up tomorrow, because with them being in more than usual right now, I've gone through more straw than I would normally!

I was determined to get some serious work done on my painting of the two yearlings running through the snow. How nice and clean my paddock looked, not to mention the fillies! When I reached the point I thought I might well get this one finished, I persevered. It will hang around unsigned until it's dry (again with the Titanium White because of the snow, that will take a while) so if I see anything more that should be done, I can take care of it before it gets that final proclamation of abandonment! Paintings always look better in person - there's no way a jpeg viewed online has a chance of doing justice - but with this one it's especially true. The working title on this one has been "Fresh Snow" so we'll see if that sticks as it dries as well! Once again, this is 11 x 14 oil on Raphael linen panel.

I even started a new painting this afternoon. Other than the EAG pARTies, I tend to paint exclusively from my own photos. This one, however, shared by fellow EAG member Kat Moore, I found really appealing. Kat has some gorgeous Shire horses. I've always loved Shires, did a head study of one a couple of years ago, but this looked like a great opportunity to do another. This is just a little one, 5 x 7 on Raphael again, and if it turns out well enough it might be headed for a miniature art show in Kansas. So far, I've done just a very rough underpainting using Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Umber and Titanium White. The joy of working small, it came together very quickly!

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