Sunday, June 02, 2019

This Is Home

It's funny – I have a blog associated with my new website, but I can't seem to get into the routine of posting to it. I miss this blog – for many, many years, I routinely posted here. I still refer to it for various reasons. To remember timelines, and stories. I miss those days!

Soooooo....I'm going to endeavour to revive it. In the process, I'm hoping to start populating my new blog as well. Maybe in time, I will get people reading over there, rather than here, and archive this. I don't ever see myself deleting it, however. Far too much history!

The blog on my site has its restrictions, which is part of the problem. It's not merely a matter of lack of familiarity. I can't schedule posts, for some insane reason. No one can subscribe to it, so it's hard to promote a following. Such is life, I guess, until the hosting platform fixes those things!

Anyway....this is me, being accountable. I'm going to start posting every Monday. That will be my June challenge! And it will be in keeping with the vibe of this blog all along. Informal, sometimes photos, sometimes artwork, along with whatever might be in my head.

Is there anything you'd like to see more of? Is there anyone even out there?  😉

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