Tuesday, July 10, 2012

If You Haven't Heard From Me, I'm Probably Buried Somewhere Under Several Bales of Hay....

 Amazing how quickly a month goes by, is it not?  I am happy to say I survived the annual hay 'season,' at least the first part of it.  It's one of those things only horse people and farmers will understand - that borderline anxiety as we wait for the first cut of hay.  I was fortunate this year in that my stash lasted me through to this year's crop.  Running around looking for hay to tide you over until the new stuff arrives is not fun.  So now, I've stored as much as I can store.  Needless to say the last two loads came on the hottest day of the year so far I think, but that's just how it goes at hay time. 

My time in the studio has been sporadic, but with hay and breeding season finally behind me, I'm starting to get back into some sort of rhythm.  I have a number of new paintings on the go - no less than five in various stages of underpainting.  For this post, however, I'm sharing an older one. I don't feed round bales, personally, but I do love the sight of them waiting in the fields.  This one is an 8 x 10 oil on canvas board - available for $80.  I have hay to pay for, you know! 

Stay tuned - new paintings will be showing up shortly!

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