Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Paint Now, Think Later!

A little bit of information I didn't disclose yesterday - I got a pretty serious club in the face by one of the foals (the oldest) on Saturday, enough to break my nose.  I don't think my nose really hurts as much as a broken nose should, but my head and neck have been aching rather consistently since.  Yes, I went to the hospital and got checked out, so don't be too worried!  What I have been doing is blaming every little brain blip since then on the incident!  Tonight I was hoping it would help me not overthink this little painting, because I was certainly doing that last night with the one of Brigitte.

Other than the sketch (directly on the panel), which came together quite quickly (10-15 mins) I probably completed this 5 x 7 oil on masonite in just under an hour.  I'm pretty pleased, all things considered.  This is Twine's colt, who is the only one who didn't seem to have a name right from the get-go.  I was calling him "Zip" or "Zippy" for a while, because he has some pretty funky cowlicks on his neck that make it look like you could zip him out of his fuzzy little coat.  But yesterday, he came up to me with his lower lip sticking out, one of his little quirks, and I thought maybe he should be Elvis.  What do you think? 

Again, I used a very simple palette for this one.  Burnt umber, Cadmium red light, ultramarine blue, yellow ochre and titanium white.  This is now the second painting I've done of this little guy.  Below is the first one, about 8 x 10 oil on linen, of one of his leaps in the air!


Unknown said...

Nice small painting, love the way you use your limited palette!
Super great to see you're getting back into the groove again albeit without much head banging to the background music. Hope the pain fades into oblivion soon ;)

Kathleen said...

Ouch! Glad you are okay. Beautiful painting =)

Kim Ratigan said...

What a wonderful painting! Keep them coming Linda :-D