Saturday, May 05, 2012

An Anniversary, of Sorts!

I'd originally planned to do this painting this past Wednesday, but I got a little confused.  You see, I shared the reference with a group of very special artist friends, for our own little pARTy.  Fellow pARTy conspirator, Kim Santini, is going to post all the images together, and had set a deadline for next week, so I had it in my head that I would do it next week.  Anyway, a couple of our 'members' have done their paintings and posted them, so that inspired me to get it done today!  I was careful not to look at what they had done, as I didn't want to be influenced at all.

This is my buddy Hugo - the two-month old colt who a week ago reared up and clocked me in the nose, breaking said nose.  So, happy one-week anniversary, dear Hugo!  To celebrate (still being here to paint, haha), this is an 8 x 10 oil on canvas.  I was tempted to use some nice, bright red, but as you can see, I refrained! 

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