Sunday, May 30, 2010


Remember this one? This is the painting I started last November for the demo I did at the Royal Winter Fair - finally completed! It went through some serious uglies, but I'm happy enough with how it turned out. Don't you just love that? Far be it from me to be ecstatic about anything!

This is 14 x 18 oil on Raphael linen panel. My working title for this was "The Crabby Mares," because this is Monster and the two mares she was turned out with at the time. They were put together because they were the ones that would pick on those lower on the totem pole! All is quiet in the scene I painted, and I thought of calling it "Cease-Fire" but went for "Repose" instead. Just the girls taking a little break from the action, and pretending they get along!


Elizabeth McCrindle said...

Yep remember that one liked it in its early stages too. Sometimes you just know even from the first drafting it's going to turn out ok. Love the light across the horses backs.

Miccosukee said...

Having known several mares like these, I admit that "Cease fire" is a great title. Lovely painting, great use of light.


Linda Shantz said...

I always like the composition, Elizabeth - I just wasn't sure I could pull off the haziness of the atmosphere!

I figured some people would get 'Cease Fire,' Trisha! Seems all I deal with are mares like these!