Well, it looks as if we're at the halfway point of this month's project! Hope I'll be forgiven for painting another foal. It is April, after all, so it's kind of appropriate! And don't forget the growing/growing up theme for the month.
This is a 7 x 5 oil on Raymar panel, using the limited palette. It was interesting (well...not always the exact word I had in mind as I worked!) to see how much I had to re-adapt to this surface, after using it for many of my paintings in November. I had planned to order a bunch more of these - in fact I did order them, only to find out the shipping charges were a lot more than I wanted to spend this time. So instead I went local and bought a bunch of masonite panels (have I groaned lately about how much I dislike prepping panels?). Oh well, better to Shop Canadian anyway, right?
I'll keep it short tonight. I know I've fallen off listing some of these on Etsy, so I'm going to go do that with this one right now. Have a look around while you're there!
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