Sunday, February 01, 2009


After what seemed like days on end of snow and cold, today was beautifully spring-like. It seems only fair to share the positive weather reports amid the whining! I had a vain hope of riding Monster today, but that fell apart. I did take the time to throw a ball for Swish, and did a stint on the treadmill before dinner and some painting.

Tonight, it was back to oils. I have this 11 x 14 oil on linen panel of the two chestnut boys nearly done after this evening's work. A little bit of attention to punch up the contrast in the horses, and another look at the fore and midground and I should be there.

It's always easier to paint a bright sunny scene than something fairly low-light like this one, mostly because the impact that is obtained through contrast seems to give a lot more satisfaction. This one has to rely on subtlety for the detail. And of course the cuteness of Medz and Mute. My title for this one is a little bit long, but it popped into my head that moment I saw them out in the paddock. "Here, Let Me Help You With That!" I grew up with two brothers, so the statement is very tongue-in-cheek. I want to translate the look on Mute's face as Medz grabs his blanket, surcingle undone, as, "Uh – please don't!" The funny thing is, Mute's had the last laugh on this one. It's Medz walking around with the torn blanket now.

I don't really want to look up the predicted weather for tomorrow because I just know it's not going to be as nice as today. This painting will go on the shelf for a while to let all that Titanium White dry a bit before I tackle the finishing touches, so something else will occupy the easel, and my attention, for a little while. I've kept busy painting, but that's a little deceiving as I recognize I'm still in a state of avoidance because I'm neglecting a few of the big WIPs. Time to get rolling again on those!


Karen Thumm said...

This one is turning out very well, Linda! I love those matching blue blankets and the sprinkling of snow on them. As a horse owner/blanket user, I cringe to see Metz grabbing that blanket.

Linda Shantz said...

Thanks Karen. I've been meaning to get over and comment on your Scottie painting too, as it looks great!

These boys are actually comparatively kind to blankets, compared to my Monster! You should see some of the damage she's done (gulp). It's the reason I hesitate to board her out again! I have found it's not that expensive to repair a badly torn blanket, however! Amazing what the cleaner/repairers can do!