Sunday, November 22, 2009

"Love Story," Commissioned Portrait

I've been quiet of late because I'm hard at work on commissions at the moment. I usually don't post commissions as works in progress - you won't see them here until they are complete and have been approved by the client. Sometimes that's because they are gifts, and sometimes it's just because there is often fine-tuning at the end once the client has seen the almost completed portrait, and I'd rather wait until those details have been worked through.

Above is one of my latest pieces, an 8 x 10 pencil portrait of a retired jumper mare named Love Story. The photo we ended up going with for this one was actually supplied by Diane McFarlane, a photographer who commissioned me to do the drawing for her friend. I did get to meet this beautiful mare, however, and really enjoyed that time!

I'll post an oil portrait I've also recently completed next time. Now, it's back to the easel, where I have two more oil commissions on the go. For now, my other works in progress are on hold!

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